Репетитор, , , Москва, Анастасия Любомировна

Репетитор ******** Анастасия Любомировна

Московская область, Москва
Возраст: 53 года
Опыт: 2 года
Цена услуги: от 2000 руб/45 минут
Дата регистрации: 2015 год
Няня, , , Москва, Анастасия Любомировна

Репетитор ******** Анастасия Любомировна

Возраст: 53 года
Опыт: 2 года
Цена услуги: от 2000 руб/45 минут
Дата регистрации: 2015 год
Возраст: 53 года
Опыт: 2 года
Цена услуги: от 2000 руб/45 минут
Дата регистрации: 2015 год
О себе
I am bilingual Russian-Bulgarian, female. I have been qualified CELTA–trained English teacher in November 2014. My experience in teaching Russian and English language started in New Zealand in 2010.
Professional interests:
studying and teaching Languages, mountain guiding and rock climbing, homeopathy.

Employment History with accent on relevance to teaching.
Freelance teacher of English.
September 2014 – November 2014.
Dimitrovgrad, Bulgaria. Private lessons of English to adults of beginner and Pre-intermediate level via Skype.

Freelance teacher of English.
September 2013 – September 2014.
Moscow, Russia. Private lessons of English. Mostly young learners (7-10 years old). Help with primary school homework and teaching level A2 to B1 by “Messages”, Diana Goodey, “Cutting edge” and “Headway” textbooks.

September 2008 – September 2013 – lived and worked in New Zealand for various employers and prepared for veterinary state qualification exam.
Veterinary technician.
January 2012 – March 2013.
Charles G Boyce Veterinary Surgeon, Foxton, New Zealand.
Duty manager and primary Rock Climbing instructor.
October 2010 – September 2011.
Extreme Edge west, West Auckland, New Zealand.
Main duties: management of the business/marketing/programs elaboration/ instructing/ maintenance.
Veterinary trainee.
October 2008 – October 2010.
Dairy flat vets, Kahikatea road, dairy Flat, Rodney, New Zealand. The main goal was to become fluent in English veterinary terminology and receive knowledge in farm animals veterinary field.

Хобби: Part time childcare work, private lessons of Russian language to kiwi young learners and English to new immigrant families in New Zealand
October 2010 – December 2012

Voluntary work at Orewa Primary school
October 2009 – October 2010
My daughter was a student there and I helped to the children during reading and writing lessons.

Work history in Russia before 2008

Pet Channel advisor, Pet Trade advisor in Marketing department, and New Product Development Technologist in Production department of MARS company. Moscow, Russia.
January 2002 – July 2008

Main duties: teaching negotiation skills to sales representatives and lecturing on veterinary nutrition to students of veterinary universities and veterinarians of VIP clinics in Moscow, central region of Russia, Siberia and Ural. All the materials for the lectures and presentations had been interpreted from English and adapted by me using Waltham science center data research, which is MARS’s experimental research Waltham Centre. English was a primary language of communication with the colleagues and reports.

Veterinarian in various clinics of Russia and Bulgaria
February 1998- January 2002

Education History
January 2009
IELTS preparation course at Auckland English Academy
July – September 2008
English course for Advanced level in International house BKC, Moscow, Russia
Bachelor of Veterinary science, Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after K.I. Scriabin (MGAVM )
January – March 1992
English language course in Moscow Upper-intermediate level.
School N625 of Moscow (10 years)
English language has been a part of school program from year 2 to year 8.

Interests: rock climbing, languages, complementary medicine, travelling.
Computer skills: confident computer user, Word, Excel, PP, Outlook, Hamilton Grant, Photoshop.
Other: Full Russian and NZ driving license. I am time and location flexible.

References are available upon request.
Гражданство: Россия
Пол: Женский
Личный автомобиль: Нет
Наличие прав: Нет
Навыки репетитора
Обществоведение Английский Болгарский Гитара Изобразительное искусство
Для кого:
  • 1-4 классы
  • Дошкольники
  • Подготовка к ЕГЭ (ОГЭ)
  • Студенты и взрослые
Место занятий:
  • Выезд к ученику
  • Дистанционно

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